
1 - Civil & Environmental Engineering

1.S992: Special Subject on COVID-19

2 - Mechanical Engineering

2.12: Introduction to Robotics


2.EPE: UPOP Internship

3 - Materials Science & Engineering

3.091: Introduction to Solid State Chemistry

4 - Architecture

4.603: Understanding Modern architecture

6 - Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

6.0001: Introduction to Programming

6.0002: Computational Thinking & Data Science

6.006: Introduction to Algorithms

6.036: Introduction to Machine Learning

6.141/16.405: Robotics: Science and Systems*

7 - Biology

7.014: Introductory Biology - Molecular Ecology

8 - Physics

8.01: Classical Mechanics

8.021: Electricity and Magnetism

8.282: Introduction to Astronomy/Astrophysics

12 - Earth Atmospheric & Planetary Science

12.003: Atmosphere Ocean and Climate Dynamics

12.007: Intro Geobiology

12.108: Structure of Earth Materials

12.117A/B: Field Geobiology

12.158: Molecular Biogeochemistry

12.163: Geomorphology

12.177: Astrobiology

12.307: Weather and Climate Laboratory*

12.URN: Undergraduate Research

12.URG: Undergraduate Research

12.TIP: Thesis Preparation*

12.THU: Thesis*

15 - Sloan School of Management

15.665: Power and Negotiation (G)

16 - Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering

16.001: Materials and Structures

16.002: Signals and Systems

16.003: Thermodynamics

16.004: Fluid Dynamics

16.06: Principles of Automatic Control

16.405/6.141: Robotics: Science and Systems*

16.50: Aerospace Propulsion

16.621: Experimental Projects I*

16.622: Experimental Projects II*

16.83: Space System Development*

17 - Political Science

17.01: Justice

17.309: Science Technology and Public Policy

17.567: Israel: Culture and Identity

18 - Mathematics

18.01: Calculus

18.02: Multivariable Calculus

18.03: Differential Equations

21G - Global Studies & Language

21G.070: Latin America and the Global 60s

21G.701: Spanish I

21G.702: Spanish II

21G.793: Spanish III in Madrid

EC - Edgerton Center

EC.074: The Start-Up Experience at MIT

EC.075: Starting Up New Tech Businesses

Total Credits Earned: 467 / 49 Classes

* Denotes capstone class

(G) Denotes graduate-level class